Love respect org

Love respect org

Mission: To provide a safe outlet where teenagers can discuss their fears about an abusive dating relationship anonymously and confidentially. Background: Launched in February , Loveisrespect. The service provides teens, their parents, teachers, law enforcement officers, and other concerned adults information and advice from trained peer or young adult advocates as well as one-on-one support via a secure Web site or toll-free telephone number: Outstanding Web Features: The site builds on the traditional telephone helpline model to engage teenagers with technology they frequently use.

Confiding in a trusted friend, teacher, supervisor or family member can be the first step toward building a system of support that will help you stay safe. So, who can you turn to? They may know you best and be around the most, but it can be really hard opening up to a family member.

Will you get in trouble? How can you even bring up the topic to your family? What if you confide in a sibling and they tell your parents? We want you to feel empowered to get the support you deserve. No one should have to go through an unhealthy or abusive relationship alone. Consider these steps when turning to family members for support.

No one knows your situation or family better than you do. Who has your best interest at heart? Consider which family member you are most comfortable just being around. If you admire their relationships, maybe they can help you figure out what to focus on. Test the waters by bringing up a related topic and gauge how your family member responds. It can be hard to talk about dating abuse. If you only want to talk and not receive advice, kindly let them know. If you want what you share to be confidential, tell them that upfront.

Know that the family member you tell might inform someone else. If you tell a sibling, they may feel overwhelmed and involve your parents. Sharing can be a risk, but the support you receive may outweigh any violation of trust. What happens after you share? We can help you find a way to open a dialogue at home.

If your family loves the person you are with, it may be difficult to get them to see or understand that this person is abusing you. However, talking to someone close within the family or someone else that knows your relationship situation like a friend may be helpful. That person may be able to help you talk to your family about your abusive partner.

Remember that although your family may love your partner, they should also want the best for you. Schools have a responsibility to keep their students safe. Talking with someone can be hard — but it can also make your situation easier and help keep you safe.

Choose the teacher or staff person you feel most comfortable with and talk to them about your situation. They are there to support you through difficult situations, particularly ones that may affect or disrupt your learning. We know it may not be easy, but especially if your abusive partner goes to the same school as you, it can be really important.

Mandated reporters are adults who work in particular fields who are required by law to report any type of child, sexual, physical or financial abuse. Examples of mandated reporters include teachers, school counselors, doctors, nurses, dentists, social workers and police officers. Mandated reporting rules are different in each state. Remember, these laws are meant to protect you, not get you in trouble. Every student has the right to go to school and be free from harassment, abuse and discrimination.

Schools should be a safe place to learn. If someone or a group of people are making school dangerous for you, consider telling someone who can make the situation better, like a school counselor or administrator. You also have the right to call the police if you need help. Speaking to school staff or administrators may seem intimidating, but they are there to help and support you. If you have a favorite teacher or counselor, speak to them in private.

Go to see them during lunch or outside of the regular school day. If it makes you more comfortable, bring a good friend who already knows the story. Tell the school official your concerns and what would make you feel safer. You are not. There are people all around who can help. Try reaching out to your friends but be careful about what you share. Make sure to specifically point out anything you want to keep secret and share the fact that breaking your trust may put you in danger.

Do you have a favorite teacher? Try talking to him or her for support. Stay after school and start by discussing your homework or questions about class.

Once you feel comfortable, let them know you need to talk. Understand that your teacher may be required to tell someone about your situation, depending on the state or school policy. Someone in your faith community may be a good choice to open up to because they probably share your values, are willing to talk with you and may be able to speak confidentially. They may also be able to help you talk to your parents, campus police or school principal.

Try approaching your counselor about a different problem. Then, based on their reaction, decide if you feel comfortable talking to them about your relationship. Since coaches often focus on both mental and physical well being, yours may be able to provide a unique perspective on your situation. Again, know they may be required to report any abuse to their superiors.

Consider your extended family when looking for support. A close aunt, uncle or cousin may be able to help you. Be upfront with your family member about your needs. Ask your local or campus police for help before and after an abusive incident.

Feel free to use them as a resource by asking questions about your rights. Campus police should be aware of school policies about dating violence and may know resources available on campus.

Local police hopefully have similar information about the law and community services. Consider requesting an officer to periodically stop at your residence and check on your safety. If you ever feel unsafe, be cautious and call your local law enforcement. Most people prefer to keep their professional and personal lives separate. We know it can be hard to tell anyone about your situation, but talking to your coworkers may help keep you safe.

Here are some ways to create a support system at your workplace. A coworker can provide emotional support and play a role in your safety. Make sure the person is really trustworthy and supportive.

Tell the coworkers you trust what your partner looks like, so they know not to let him or her into your workplace. If you feel your abusive partner may come to your job, leave their picture with the security guard and ask they never let your partner into your workplace. No security in your building? Ask a friend to walk you out of the building and scout out alternate exits if possible. Does your company or organization have additional job sites?

It may be possible for you to switch locations without any penalties to your status at work. If you relocate, it will be harder for your abusive partner to find you. You may also be able to ask for time off for court hearings or counseling without losing your job.

If you live in a state where this is true, you may qualify for unemployment benefits if your abusive relationship is interfering with your ability to work.

If you are in an abusive same-sex relationship and fear disclosing your situation will cause you to be discriminated against at work, there may be laws in your state protecting you. Do you know what to do if your abusive partner shows up at your work? Your friends can be great support systems for helping you if you are in an unhealthy or abusive relationship. Many times friends already know or see that your relationship is unhealthy.

However, even if they do know, telling them about your situation may still be hard. You might wonder: What if they tell someone else? What will they think of me? Will they understand? Will they judge me? Start by picking someone you feel you can trust. Remember that even though you might be really close, you may still find it hard to talk to your friends about your relationship.

They might already know your situation or have an idea of what it might be, but they could also be totally surprised. Remember, you can only control yourself, not what your friend does. You know your friends best — try to pick the ones who are most likely to support you. Support from friends can be come in many different ways. Support may be something as simple as them just being there for you and listening to what you have to say.

It can also be someone that gives you advice when you need it.

loveisrespect is the ultimate resource to empower youth to prevent and end dating abuse. It is a project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. No information is available for this page.

Knowing or even suspecting that your child is in an unhealthy relationship can be both frustrating and frightening. Remember, dating violence occurs in both same-sex and opposite-sex couples and any gender can be abusive. Some of these signs include:.

Confiding in a trusted friend, teacher, supervisor or family member can be the first step toward building a system of support that will help you stay safe. So, who can you turn to?

Highly-trained advocates offer support, information and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships. We also provide information and support to concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, service providers and members of law enforcement. Online, loveisrespect strives to be a safe, inclusive space for young people to access information and get help in an environment that is designed specifically for them.


Chat with an advocate any time, day or night. CALL: 1. Message frequency varies. Test your knowledge of healthy relationships and dating abuse with our quizzes! You can download the text versions here. Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship.


Support Systems

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline


Love is

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